
Saturday 12 November 2011

Calling all dad bloggers!

This is going to be a brief post and possibly my shortest yet; I've committed myself to an exciting project with a rather tight deadline and time, as they say, is of the essence. To cut a long story short, I had an idea for a book ages and ages ago and promptly forgot about it until I bumped into Tim Atkinson at the MAD Blog Awards. Talking to him about his excellent book, the idea popped back into my head and I found myself blurting it out.

To my amazement, Tim thought the idea was a good one and we are now working on it. To get it available in time for Christmas. I kid you not. The book in question is about dad bloggers. There are plenty of us about, but we are very much in the minority in the parent blogging community. I thought it would be nice, therefore, to use and abuse Tim's experience and connections to release an anthology of already-blogged posts by us dads to get us all a bit more attention. He agreed. Top man.

So I guess what I'm asking in a roundabout sort of way is for dad bloggers to submit their favourite posts – and, ideally, they need to be about being a dad/what your kids get up to rather than something like one of my random posts about slippers – for inclusion in the book. All I need are the links to the specific post and your Twitter name so I can contact you when questions inevitably spring to mind. I'm afraid that there is no payment involved, just the smug satisfaction of seeing your words in print. Trust me though, that's a wonderful feeling that you can't put a price on!

You can either post your links and Twitter names in the comments section below or tweet them to me.

Interested? Then fire away! You've got until Saturday 19 November to allow me time to put everything together in time for going to print the following week. Go!


  1. I'd like to submit my if that's okay. Let me know if you need any further details. Good luck and best wishes.

  2. I've written something for a local magazine and it's due to publish in Jan '12, can only put it online after the magazine published it. Not sure how can I give you my contribution?

  3. It's really great that you're doing this - a friend IM'd me this morning to tell me to get off my b/side and mail you with my details. If it's not too ripe for inclusion (NSFW or kids really in parts; definitely not fluffy !! - when you go into blogger it does have an adult content warning page though).... then please check it out and include.
    It has had zero publicity so far - it'd be interesting to get some feedback and comments.
    Many thanks,

  4. ahem - me again (having sorted the kids I have now read you requirements more fully !!) so, for a more suitable blog quote that's family friendly, try this one -

  5. also

  6. Hi All - I have a blog too which I'd like to submit -
    Seeing MuddyMops comment I should prob point out that I am in talks with a senior editor at a well known publishing firm about writing a book based on the character in the blogs (which is actually me so I'm hoping that won't be too hard !) but meantime you are more than welcome to use this for quotes - I am quite sure you will be in print first :-) If you feel you'd like written permission for any legal reasons drop me an email at housemove @ mac dot com I'd be happy to help with that - and good luck with the book !!

  7. Here's a couple that may work:

    Twitter name is @militarydadblog

  8. Great idea, and kudos for taking on the challenge. Here's one that might fit.

    Best wishes ....and the bandit look works on you. Just cultivate a snarl and bedtime's a cinch.

  9. I'd love to get involved! I have lots I'd pick, but this might be a reasonable one:

  10. I'd love to get involved! I have lots I'd pick, but this might be a reasonable one:

  11. Fantastic idea Tom and Tim, I would love to be involved.
    The blog post I'd like to submit for inclusion is Most of my other blog posts go off on a tangent of music anorakness so hopefully this one meets the brief.
    If the real Nick Cave tries to sue for using his name I'll just say I was referring to a Nick Cave from Brentwood (my home town) who happens to share the same name! Even if he doesn't believe me, "bad PR is still good PR" for the book, eh?!

  12. Great idea, Tom and Tim. I'd like to submit this post from Jan 2011

    Really looking forward to what you guys come up with.

  13. Herewith my contribution. More photographic than wordy, but still about the kids. My twitter id @mrthekidd


    None of my posts tend to be very long but thats one you yourself said was funny :)


  15. Thanks everyone! I'll answer all your questions via Twitter as I get through them! Delighted by the response so far. :-)

  16. Hey Tom heres my entries I'd like to submit, hope all goes well. My twitter name is Daley_84


  17. I'd love to submit, but I'm afraid my blog isn't a normal one. Shall be starting a proper dad blog, but not in time for you. Best of luck with the book – it's a brilliant idea, and deserves to be a success.

  18. Hi! Thanks for thinking of me! My post is this one:

    Twitter username is @benwakeling.

    Thanks and good luck!
