
Sunday 30 October 2011

Remember, remember, don't shave in Movember!

Despite the fact that I work for a charity, it struck me recently that I haven't really done much for good causes until now. Working and volunteering are two entirely different things. With that in mind and the apathy I seem to have developed towards shaving at sociably acceptable intervals since becoming a dad, I have decided to join forces with three mates at work and participate in Movember next month.

For those who have never heard of it before, Movember encourages men to grow a 'mo' to raise money for male cancer charities. I've always found it amusing that the main fundraising event that women take part in Race for Life  entails getting fit and running around, while this event is nowhere near as strenuous: it's all about us men making less of an effort than we usually would with our appearance. The idea is that I start the month with a face as smooth as a baby's proverbial and end up with a hairy upper lip, hopefully raising both funds and awareness in the process. 

I don't have any qualms about the fact that I am going to look ridiculous. Embarrassment is something that really used to bother me until I actually had a scare a few years ago. Being a mostly sensible sort, I gritted my teeth and got it checked out. I had to have an ultrasound you know where. It was quite undignified and the bloke who carried it out had no sense of humour, so my ill-advised attempts at lightening the mood were shot down and I felt even more anxious. Thankfully it turned out to be nothing to worry about, but for a week or two I was absolutely terrified. It wasn't a pleasant experience, but I'm glad I did it. I suppose, in hindsight, the dialogue between me and the radiographer was kind of amusing. It went something like this.

Him: Mr Briggs?
Me: Yes, that's me.
Him (to entire waiting room): My name is Sergei. I will examine your testicles.
Me: But we've just met!
Him: (silence)
Me: (Now in scan room) I'm a bit nervous about this...
Him: (Prolonged silence) Take off your trousers and pants and hold your penis under this paper towel.
Me: Okay (Lying back and thinking of England)
Him: There's one, there's the second...
Me: Ha ha! It's like the supermarket buy one get one free! (twat)
Him: (Yet another prolonged silence) Phone your doctor for the results next Monday.

Conclusive proof that a poor bedside manner and English buffoonery don't mix well.

Anyway, that is my story and if you would like to sponsor me and my even dafter than usual face, you can do so by visiting my Movember page.

Thank you.


  1. Blimey, the things you learn about your friends through blogs! Big respect to you! This November is going to be the best ever, I simply cannot wait to see the hirsute efforts made by you, Lee, James and Simon. Hurrah for Cats Motection!

  2. This made me chuckle. I can only imagine how awkward/even more anxious you must have felt when your witty comments got no response! Well done for getting it checked out though, too many men don't.

    Will definitely check out your sponsor page and have a rummage in my purse!

    Good luck with the wonky tash, and congrats on your blog award! I saw you in my local paper and had to come and follow! xXx

  3. Great post !
    I have gone 5 days without razor, and my face feels like I have washed in Sulphuric Acid !! So hats off to you for the month !!!

  4. Sorry Franski; have just realised that I've never shared that story with you before. This is especially rude of me when you consider that there was a Russian person involved! Da.

  5. Thanks Kathy! Nice to hear from another local blogger too - will check your blog out now! :-)

  6. Cheers FD! Yes, it's going to itch. A lot! But it'll be worth it!

  7. Hee, hee, you said penis!!!

  8. I'm with Kathy, it must have been awkward with the lack of response to your comments. Although not in the same scenario, I can remember making some rather flippant/jokey comments when I went for my first ante-natal scan, and got pretty much the same response.
    Thankfully by the time little 'un arrived, we were under a different team who were far more proactive and humorous.

    Good luck with the face fuzz - I hope you'll be posting some 'here it grows' pics; and I too will take a look at the sponsor page.

  9. I did have a grin on my face reading your blog, and it is lovely to see dads blogs as I have not found a lot until now. your blog is fantatic!!

    Can't imagine the awkwardness you must have felt with the prolonged silences, but must agree with Kathy to many men don't do this enough and I feel that the media could do more to raise more awareness. I will be reading with intrest to see how you and your "mo" are getting along.

    As a fairly new blogger myself could I mention your blog spot as i do have a few man that read my page that I know would love read a busy Dad's blog and raise the awareness for this charity.

    Thanks and good luck


  10. Hi Felicity, thanks for your kind words! I'd be delighted to have my blog mentioned on yours - thank you! Couldn't find a link to yours on your profile - where can I find it?!

  11. Hi Tom, lovely on my next update your be on there. Hope the mo is going well?

    I've now sorted out my home page which now has the link to my blog hope this makes it easier.

  12. Thanks Felicity, most kind! I'll check your blog out too! :-)

  13. Thank you,

    Just to let you know that I have put your mention in my post this week.
    hopefully this will get you amazing blog a few more followers.
